Monday, June 14, 2010

The Water Taxi in Exuma

Most visitors and locals in Exuma will have had a ride on the local Water Taxi, a comfortable, slow moving boat, that can take you to other nearby islands, for a small fee.

The bright yellow boat is easy to spot going across to Stocking Island and the ride can be a lot of fun and a good way to see Exuma from a different point of view. Its part of the whole Exuma experience. I have taken a lot of photos from the taxi, that I can paint from at home in Vancouver, and its a treat to be surrounded by all that beautifull blue water.

I wanted to do a painting of the boat docked at Stocking Island, waiting for visitors to return to the main land. I painted it a few years ago, when it had the original white colour, so it was time to paint it again and it is just as hard to paint this time as it was the first. Trying to get the angles of the windows, the way the boat sits in the water, is tricky. Painting the ripples caused by the boat along the shore line is the fun part, just as challenging, but fun.

Just a few more hours of painting, adding the sailboats and homes in the background, then I will be done.


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