Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Atlantic Side -part 2

My second day of working on the painting of the Atlantic Side of Stocking Island, is turning out to be a slow process. The final hour, the touchups are always tricky and I find I have to take a lot of little breaks, to step back and not get too caught up in all the detail.

This is often when I decide to start a separate painting, working between the two of them switching back and forth. With patience, skill and a bit of luck, I will end up with two good paintings in two weeks.

But once in a while I have to decide wether to continue and work it out, or save my paint, and throw out a painting that isnt worth the struggle. I know other Artists feel the same way and when you have worked as an Artist for a long time, you find it gets easier to do this, because you know the next one will be worth it.


Monday, September 6, 2010

The Atlantic Side

On the Atlantic side of Stocking Island , there is a beautiful beach which the lucky
guests of the St. Francis Resort can reach within seconds from their cottages.

I started a painting of that beach today, from a photo I took on a really windy , hot and sunny day last March. The waves spill onto the beach in large brushstrokes of white paint, and can be seen through the long grass at the top of the hill at the resort. The beach is long and wide with lots of room for the waves to spread out after crashing onto the sandy shore.

Its nice being able to get that feeling back again as I paint the shore mixing the blues of the water into the soft shades of brown, of the sand. The feeling of being overwhelmed by nature. The waves were huge that day, and the sun hot enough to quickly sunburn.

Its challenging working on this painting since I am not as familiar with this beach and have only walked it twice, but I like my painting so far.

I will be back on Exuma this Fall, so I will explore this beach and favorite spots soon. I am so excited for my trip, it feels like forever since I was there.
