Monday, November 22, 2010

Success on Stocking Island

It worked!

Walking around on Stocking Island, enjoying the sun the water and finding
the perfect quiet spot to paint helped to create a successful painting.

While walking down on the beach, there is a bend leading to the quieter side
where the boaters have anchored in a bay for shelter. It is away from the Sunday
crowd, the music from Chat and Chill and very few people seem to wander around there.

I picked a spot with a view of the Salt Beacon atop a hill. Blending greens and yellows and blues I created the hills, surrounded by the turquoise water, and topped
off with the blue sky and fluffy white clouds. The heat and wind actually helped the painting this time as it dried quickly enough to go back in and add the detail.
Adding the white sandy paths down the hill with the Salt Beacon and outlining some trees on the hill added colour and brightened the final piece.

I never mind when people stop and watch me paint and the few that walked by were really quiet, although I had my ipod on, because the music helps to block out the other sounds around me. After going for a swim to wash off the green paint I got on my leg, I headed back to the noisy part of the beach for some mahi mahi and a glass of wine. Yum!

I usually give away my paintings that I do on the beach. To me they never seem perfect enough to sell, like the ones I spend hours on at home.

Tomorrow I think I will just paint on the beach in front of my hotel.


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